
2016年5月23日 星期一

專利授權合約中 "最優惠條款" 的回溯效力:JP Morgan v. DataTreasury (5th Cir., May 19, 2016)

JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. v. DataTreasury Corp. (5th Cir., May 19, 2016)

DataTreasury Corp. ("DTC") 擁有與電子支票處理技術相關的專利。90年代晚期,DTC嘗試授權他的專利給銀行,但沒人理他。後來DTC發現JP Morgan Chase Bank ("JPMC") 自行開發的電子支票系統用到了他的技術,於是起訴JPMC專利侵權,還請求三倍的懲罰性賠償。


On June 28, 2005, JPMC and BOC each entered into settlement agreements with DTC resolving patent infringement claims arising from certain of DTC’s patents. The parties also entered into the License Agreement, allowing JPMC to use DTC’s patents for a total consideration of $70 million. Although the $70 million altogether was a lump-sum payment for unlimited use of DTC’s patents and not a “running royalty” paid per-use, the parties agreed to payment in installments: $25 million in 2005 under the BOC Settlement and Release Agreement; $5 million in 2005 under the JPMC Settlement and Release Agreement; and $5.5 million each year from 2006 to 2011, with a final $7 million payment in 2012. Together, these payments are the full consideration for JPMC’s use of DTC’s patents.

在2005年的授權合約中,有一條 "最優惠被授權人條款 (Most Favored Licensee clause,簡稱 "MFL條款")。依此條款,DTC承諾如果他以更優惠的條件將專利授權給別人,應通知JPMC,並且JPMC有權選擇適用該更優惠的條件 (這一條的文字內容,在本案中成為重點之一):

9. Most Favored Licensee
If DTC grants to any other Person a license to any of the Licensed Patents, it will so notify JPMC, and JPMC will be entitled to the benefit of any and all more favorable terms with respect to such Licensed Patents. JPMC agrees that $.02 to $.05 per Transaction is a reasonable royalty under the license granted herein, and JPMC makes no representation as to what pro-rata share of such royalty is attributable to any portion or sub-part of such Transaction. The notification required under this Section shall be provided by DTC to JPMC in writing within thirty (30) days of the execution of any such third party license and shall be accompanied by a copy of the third party license agreement, which may be redacted by DTC if necessary to comply with any judicial order or other confidentiality obligation. The MFN shall be applied within thirty (30) days from the date this provision is recognized in accordance with Section 10.7.

結果在JPMC支付DTC最後一筆金額之後,DTC在2012年10月1日與Cathay General Bancorp ("Cathay") 簽了另一份專利授權合約。在DTC-Cathay這份合約中,Cathay只需支付250,000美金。不過,這授權只及於Cathay自己。日後如果有其他實體需要授權,Cathay需再支付額外的權利金。


本案的核心爭點,是授權合約中的MFL條款有沒有回溯效力。法院說一次性支付 (lump-sum payment) 的授權有


地方法院與第五巡迴上訴法院都不支持DTC的主張。不支持的主要理由,是關於一次性支付 (lump-sum payment) 的授權,如果MFL條款只能向後生效,在本案會不合理。MFL條款只能向後生效的邏輯,只適用於依銷量支付權利金 (running royalty) 不適用於一次性支付的權利金 (也就是說一次性支付的權利金可以向前生效)

The most favored running royalty licensee initially holds the most favorable “rate” when it obtains its license. The initial rate becomes less favored when the licensor later grants a lower rate elsewhere. It is only then that the opportunity to use the patent at a more favorable rate develops (and the most favored licensee becomes disadvantaged). Thus, the damage to the most favored licensee with a running royalty can only occur prospectively. Accordingly, prospective-only modifications to a running royalty rate guarantee most favored licensee status in that situation.
On the other hand, a lump-sum license is not metered by usage, because a lump sum license purchases unlimited use for a set price. When the patent holder grants a subsequent licensee a lower lump sum, the most favorable rate becomes the lower, lump-sum amount. However, the disadvantage imposed on the most favored licensee cannot be cured with a substituted running royalty rate going forward because there is no running royalty structure to the license. Therefore, the logic supporting a prospective-only modification under a running royalty license is inapplicable to a lump-sum situation. There would be no purpose to a most favored licensee clause in a lump-sum license if the most favored licensee could not obtain a more favorable, later-granted lump-sum rate.


Therefore, where a licensee with a most favored licensee clause seeks to replace what has become a less-favored lump-sum license payment with a later-granted, more favorable lump-sum payment, the only way to give meaning to the MFL clause is by retroactive substitution of the payment term. That is the outcome of the parties’ contract here.




其次,如果把JPMC的權利金依簽約後的交易筆數  (一年約50億筆交易) 換算,也不是雙方約定的每筆交易0.02~0.05美金 (遠低於這個數字)。而且這個約定的前提,是往後的合約是依銷量支付權利金,如果不是,那這個約定也沒有辦法套用。

最後,在地方法院訴訟的時候,沒有任何合約 (和解合約、JPMC的授權合約,以及Cathay的授權合約) 本身的內容可以解釋,雙方約定的一次性支付的權利金金額究竟是怎麼算出來的。在合約本身內容清楚的情況下,法院不被允許採用其他合約以外的口頭證據 (parol evidence) 來解釋合約。這點我覺得值得擬約的法務與律師們注意了。往後在擬訂MFL條款時,可能要想一下這一點。

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